Wednesday, June 3, 2015

FINAL: Part 1
1. What i loved about this class was that you gave us free writes to talk about ourselves and express how we feel.. it was a great help to write down my feelings because i can let out my anger and frustration without hurting anyone.
2. what i didn't like about the class was that it was too too quiet
4. i honestly did do my best in this class and gave it my all.
5. i read my life planning goals daily and they have truly helped because i have accomplished so many of my goals.
6. i am trying to stay committed and be a CTR person, it takes time but and little by little i'll be out of my street habits and be a full CTR person.
7. the one thing i will always remember about this class are your lectures because they taught me a different side of life that i was not aware of.
To be a CTR person - to choose the right !!!

Of all the choices you will ever make, one choice supersedes all others the ultimate choice. this one choice will help you to always make correct decisions. this one choice, the ultimate choice, is your keystone to being the best student and person you can possibly be. this one choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice, THE ULTIMATE CHOICE !

Monday, June 1, 2015

Alan Stein
"success is not an accident. Success is actually a choice. Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have tomorrow? 

There is only one person coming between you and what you want to do, and that person is yourself. Only you can decide what your fate will be, if you truly have a passion for something then strive to do what you love. Don't let anyone come between you and that passion of yours, never give up, and always keep in mind what your goal is.